Scala multi dimensionalArray

Category : Scala | Sub Category : Scala Programs | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2020-10-08 10:27:39 Viewed : 842

Scala multi dimensionalArray 

·        Syntax for Multidimensional Array

var arrayName = Array.ofDim[ArrayType](NoOfRows,NoOfColumns) or  

var arrayName = Array(Array(element...), Array(element...), ...)   

Example 3:

     Following example illustrates about Scala multi dimensional Array

     Save the file as −  MultiArrayDec.scala 


package runnerdev

object MulitDimeArrayEx1 { 

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    var arrayObj = new MultiArrayDec()



class MultiArrayDec {

  var multiArray = Array(Array(1, "cat", "One", 4, 5), Array(6, 7, "dog", 9, 10)) // Creating multidimensional array

  def show() {

    for (x <- 0 to 1) { // Traversing elements using loop

      for (y <- 0 to 4) {

        print(" " + multiArray(x)(y))






compile and run the above example as follows 

scala> scalac MultiArrayDec.scala

scala> scala MultiArrayDec

Output :

1 cat One 4 5

 6 7 dog 9 10  

Example 3:

      Following example illustrates about Scala multi dimensional Array(ofDim)

      Save the file as −  MulitDimeArrayEx2.scala 


package runnerdev 

object MulitDimeArrayEx2 { 

  def main(args: Array[String]) {

    var arrayObj = new MultiArrayDec1()



class MultiArrayDec1 {

  var arr = Array.ofDim[Int](2, 2) // Creating multidimensional array

  arr(1)(0) = 10 // Assigning value

  arr(1)(0) = 11 // Assigning value

  arr(1)(1) = 99 // Assigning value

  def show() {

    for (x <- 0 to 1) { // Traversing elements by using loop

      for (y <- 0 to 1) {

        print(" " + arr(x)(y))




    println("Third Element = " + arr(1)(1)) // Accessing elements by using index



compile and run the above example as follows 

scala> scalac MultiArrayDec1.scala

scala> scala MultiArrayDec1

Output :


 0 0

 11 99

Third Element = 99

In Scala, you can create and work with multi-dimensional arrays by using arrays of arrays or by using collections like ArrayBuffer nested within other collections. Here are examples of both approaches for creating multi-dimensional arrays:

Using Arrays of Arrays:

// Creating a 2D array of integers val matrix: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3) // Initializing the elements matrix(0)(0) = 1 matrix(0)(1) = 2 matrix(0)(2) = 3 matrix(1)(0) = 4 matrix(1)(1) = 5 matrix(1)(2) = 6 matrix(2)(0) = 7 matrix(2)(1) = 8 matrix(2)(2) = 9 // Accessing elements val element = matrix(1)(2) // Accesses the element at row 1, column 2 (equals 6) // Printing the matrix for (row <- matrix) { for (elem <- row) { print(s"$elem ") } println() }

In this example, we create a 2D array matrix and initialize its elements. We access and print the elements using nested loops.

Using Collections (ArrayBuffer) within Collections:

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer // Creating a 2D collection using ArrayBuffer val matrix: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(3)(ArrayBuffer.fill(3)(0)) // Initializing the elements matrix(0)(0) = 1 matrix(0)(1) = 2 matrix(0)(2) = 3 matrix(1)(0) = 4 matrix(1)(1) = 5 matrix(1)(2) = 6 matrix(2)(0) = 7 matrix(2)(1) = 8 matrix(2)(2) = 9 // Accessing elements val element = matrix(1)(2) // Accesses the element at row 1, column 2 (equals 6) // Printing the matrix for (row <- matrix) { for (elem <- row) { print(s"$elem ") } println() }

In this example, we use ArrayBuffer to create a 2D collection matrix and initialize its elements. The access and printing of elements are done similarly to the previous example.

Both approaches allow you to work with multi-dimensional data structures in Scala. The choice between arrays of arrays and collections like ArrayBuffer depends on your specific use case and requirements. Collections like ArrayBuffer offer more flexibility in terms of size changes and are often preferred for more dynamic scenarios. 

Here are examples of creating and working with multi-dimensional arrays in Scala using both arrays of arrays and collections like ArrayBuffer, along with their respective outputs.

Using Arrays of Arrays:

// Creating a 2D array of integers val matrix: Array[Array[Int]] = Array.ofDim[Int](3, 3) // Initializing the elements matrix(0)(0) = 1 matrix(0)(1) = 2 matrix(0)(2) = 3 matrix(1)(0) = 4 matrix(1)(1) = 5 matrix(1)(2) = 6 matrix(2)(0) = 7 matrix(2)(1) = 8 matrix(2)(2) = 9 // Accessing elements val element = matrix(1)(2) // Accesses the element at row 1, column 2 (equals 6) // Printing the matrix for (row <- matrix) { for (elem <- row) { print(s"$elem ") } println() }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In this example, we create a 2D array matrix, initialize its elements, access an element, and print the entire matrix.

Using Collections (ArrayBuffer) within Collections:

import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer // Creating a 2D collection using ArrayBuffer val matrix: ArrayBuffer[ArrayBuffer[Int]] = ArrayBuffer.fill(3)(ArrayBuffer.fill(3)(0)) // Initializing the elements matrix(0)(0) = 1 matrix(0)(1) = 2 matrix(0)(2) = 3 matrix(1)(0) = 4 matrix(1)(1) = 5 matrix(1)(2) = 6 matrix(2)(0) = 7 matrix(2)(1) = 8 matrix(2)(2) = 9 // Accessing elements val element = matrix(1)(2) // Accesses the element at row 1, column 2 (equals 6) // Printing the matrix for (row <- matrix) { for (elem <- row) { print(s"$elem ") } println() }


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

This second example using ArrayBuffer produces the same output as the first one with arrays of arrays. It demonstrates how to create, initialize, access, and print a 2D collection using ArrayBuffer.

Both examples show how to work with 2D arrays or collections in Scala. The choice between arrays of arrays and collections depends on your specific needs and requirements.

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