Immutable vs. mutable collections in scala

Category : Scala | Sub Category : Scala Programs | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-10-21 03:11:57 Viewed : 237

In Scala, collections can be classified as either immutable or mutable based on whether their contents can be modified after they are created. Here is a breakdown of both types:

  1. Immutable Collections:

    • Immutable collections cannot be modified after they are created.
    • Once an immutable collection is created, its content remains fixed.
    • Operations that would modify an immutable collection typically return a new collection with the modified content.
    • Immutable collections are thread-safe and can be safely shared between multiple threads without synchronization.
    • Examples of immutable collections include List, Set, Map, and Vector.
  2. Mutable Collections:

    • Mutable collections can be modified after they are created.
    • Elements can be added, updated, or removed from mutable collections.
    • Operations directly modify the collection in place.
    • Mutable collections are not inherently thread-safe and can lead to issues when shared between multiple threads without proper synchronization.
    • Examples of mutable collections include ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer, MutableList, MutableSet, and MutableMap.

Choosing between immutable and mutable collections depends on the specific use case and requirements of the application. Immutable collections are preferred in functional programming and concurrent environments where data is not meant to be changed, facilitating safe and predictable code. On the other hand, mutable collections are often used when there is a need for frequent modifications and in performance-critical scenarios where in-place operations are necessary.

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