Category : Java | Sub Category : Data type, Variable and Arays | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2020-09-28 09:32:08 Viewed : 938
DESCRIPTION:This program shows the scope of any variable. As the comment indicate we Ist declare the class and then initialize and delare
Source Code:
* .Write a program which
show the effect of nested scopes.
class Scope { // This line daclare a new class
& the class defination is start.
public static void
main(String a[]) { // This line begins the main() method.
x; // initialize x
x = 10; //
Declare value of x.
(x == 10) { // start new scope
y = 20; // this y is known only to this block.
and y : " + x + " "
+ y); // This line show the output
x = y * 2; //
this line show x equals to y*2
} //
this line show the finishing of block
y=100; // error! y not known here.
is " + x);// this line show the output
} //
this line show the end of program
} // this line show the end of class