Spring Boot Annotations

Category : Spring Boot | Sub Category : Spring Boot | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-07-09 06:37:14 Viewed : 608

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building Java applications. It provides a set of annotations that help configure and customize various aspects of your Spring Boot application. Here are some commonly used annotations in Spring Boot:

  1. @SpringBootApplication: This annotation is used to mark the main class of a Spring Boot application. It combines three annotations: @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan.

  2. @RestController: This annotation is used to define a RESTful web service controller. It combines the @Controller and @ResponseBody annotations.

  3. @RequestMapping: This annotation is used to map a URL or URI template to a specific method in a controller class. It specifies the HTTP request method and the path for handling the request.

  4. @GetMapping, @PostMapping, @PutMapping, @DeleteMapping: These annotations are shortcuts for @RequestMapping with the respective HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.

  5. @PathVariable: This annotation is used to bind a method parameter to a path variable in the URL.

  6. @RequestParam: This annotation is used to bind a method parameter to a request parameter in the URL query string.

  7. @RequestBody: This annotation is used to bind the request body to a method parameter in the controller method.

  8. @Autowired: This annotation is used to automatically wire dependencies by type. It can be applied to constructors, fields, or setter methods.

  9. @Qualifier: This annotation is used along with @Autowired to specify the name or identifier of a bean when multiple beans of the same type exist.

  10. @Component, @Service, @Repository: These annotations are used to mark a class as a Spring-managed component, service, or repository, respectively.

  11. @Configuration: This annotation is used to indicate that a class provides bean definitions. It is often used in combination with @Bean methods to define beans.

  12. @EnableAutoConfiguration: This annotation enables Spring Boots auto-configuration feature, which automatically configures the application based on the classpath and other conditions.

  13. @Conditional: This annotation is used to conditionally activate or deactivate a bean or a configuration based on specific conditions.

  14. @Value: This annotation is used to inject values from external properties files or environment variables into a beans properties.

  15. @EnableSwagger2: This annotation enables Swagger documentation for RESTful APIs in your Spring Boot application.

These are just a few examples of the many annotations provided by Spring Boot. Each annotation serves a specific purpose and helps in configuring different aspects of your application. You can explore the Spring Boot documentation to learn more about these annotations and their usage.

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