Sorting a Map in Java 8
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Sort a list in Java 8
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Java8 - The java.util.function package
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java8 - Type annotations
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Java8- Get the details of youngest male employee in the product development department
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Java8 - What is the average salary of each department
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Count the number of employees in each department in java8
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Java8 - Get the details of highest paid employee in the organization?
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Apache Spark
Design Patterns
Spring Boot
Hadoop Concepts
Apache Kafka
Interview Questions
React JS
Microsoft Azure Data Engineering
Go lang
Java Interview questions
Java Programs
Object- oriented Programming
The Genesis of Java
Data type, Variable and Arays
Control Statement
Java Programs from Coding Interviews
Read and Write (Input/Output ) a file
Java Threads
Interview Questions
Design Patterns
Java.util Package
Java 9 introduced features
Java 10 features
Java8 Features
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Data types
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Here are some interview questions related to HashSet and HashMap:
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History and development of Scala
How can I ensure a proper hashCode() implementation?
How can you enable caching in a Spring Boot application?
How can you handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application?
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How is the Scala code compiled?
How is the Scala code compiled?
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Implementing a global configuration using a Singleton class in Java
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Implementing a thread pool using the Singleton pattern benefits
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Implementing retries in Apache Kafka is essential to handle transient errors
Implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) in a Spring Boot application
Import CSV data in Hbase -Hue browser
In Spring and Spring Boot, @Autowired
Insert a table record using Hbase Hue
Install and configure Hadoop on your system
Install Ansible on your local machine:
Installing Apache Cassandra on Windows
Installing Scala and development tools.
Inter-Service Communication Patterns (Synchronous, Asynchronous, Event-Driven)
Interacting with the cluster using kubectl.
Interpreter Pattern
Interview questions along with their answers on HashSet and HashMap
Introduction of Azure Databricks
Introduction to Amazon EKS
Introduction to Docker
Introduction to Helm charts
Introduction to service mesh and Istio
Introduction to the key features introduced in Java 8
Introduction to the Stream API
Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI)
Java - Get a list of all 2-letter language codes defined in ISO 639
Java (JVM) Memory Model
Java 10 features
Java 10 features with examples
Java 10 features with examples
Java 8 - Type inference and target typing
Java 8 – Filter a Map examples
Java 8 – Stream Collectors groupBy examples
Java 8 Features
Java 8 features course
Java 8 Features with Examples
Java 8 forEach examples
Java 8 Functional Interface Examples
Java 8 Streams filter examples
Java 9 features along with examples
Java 9 features with examples
Java Basic Questions
Java Coding Standards
Java Coding Standards
Java Concurrency
Java Concurrency: ExecutorService (A better way of asynchronous tasks handling)
Java Concurrency: ScheduledExecutorService
Java data structures
Java design patterns
Java ExecutorService
Java Lambda Expressions
Java program that finds all pairs in an array with a given sum
Java program to find largest number in an array
Java Program to find the Missing Number in an Array with output
Java Program to Replace the Element with its Next Greatest Element, Rightmost Element will be Replaced by 0
Java Thread : wait() , notify() and notifyAll()
Java Thread: Comparison of wait(), sleep() and join() methods
Java Thread: Lifecycle of Thread
Java Thread: sleep() and interrupt() methods
Java Thread: yield() method example
Java.util Package in Java
Java8 - What is the average salary of each department
Java8 - Asynchronous programming
Java8 - Backward compatibility and existing interfaces
Java8 - Combining and chaining Completable Future instances
Java8 - Common use cases for stream processing
Java8 - Creating streams from different data sources
Java8 - Dealing with null values
Java8 - Differet ways to use streams-Collectors
Java8 - Exception handling in CompletableFuture
Java8 - Formatting and parsing date and time
Java8 - Functional interfaces
Java8 - Functional programming concepts in Java
Java8 - Get the details of highest paid employee in the organization?
Java8 - Intermediate and terminal operations
Java8 - Introduction to Completable Future
Java8 - Introduction to the Nashorn JavaScript engine
Java8 - Introduction to the Optional class
Java8 - Local date and time, time zones
Java8 - Method references
Java8 - Methods in the Optional class
Java8 - Multiple inheritance and conflict resolution
Java8 - Parallel streams for concurrent processing
Java8 - Periods and durations
Java8 - Print the name of all departments in the organization
Java8 - Syntax and usage of default methods
Java8 - The java.util.function package
Java8 - Types of method references
Java8 - Understanding method references
Java8 - Use cases and best practices for the Optional class
Java8 - What is the average age of male and female employees?
Java8 - When and how to use method references
Java8 -Need for default methods
Java8 Overview of the java.time package
Java8- Get the details of youngest male employee in the product development department
k8s Build and test application using Maven
Kafka Architecture
Kafka connect and schema registry in a high-volume environment
Kafka connect and schema registry in a high-volume environment example in java
Kafka Offsets example
Kafka producer and consumer using the Java client API
Key components: Master, Node, Pods, Services.
Key concepts in Apache HBase
Key concepts in Java
Key features and concepts of Cassandra
kubernates(K8s) resources Overview
kubernates(K8s) resources Overview with examples with complete explanation-
kubernates(K8s) resources Overview with examples with explanation
Kubernetes cluster concepts
Kubernetes clusters: Getting started
Kubernetes concepts and instantiation
Kubernetes course content
Kubernetes for Java Developers
Kubernetes for Java Developers
Kubernetes workflow for Java developers
Learning Java
Linear search is a simple search algorithm
Linear Search Program in Java
Lists, arrays, and sequences in Scala
Load a properties file from classpath
Load Balancer, Reverse Proxy, and API Gateway
Load balancing with Zuul
Main pillars of OOP in Java
Managing Microservices at Scale: Tools and Best Practices
Maps and sets in Scala
Mention the types of Variables in Scala? And What is the difference between them?
MergeSort alogorithm
Method references Comparison with lambda expressions
Metrics Collection and Analysis for Performance Monitoring
Microservice architecture using Eureka
Microservice design patterns
Microservices Architecture code in java
Microservices Architecture example
Microservices Course
Microservices Course Content
Microservices Tutorial
Migrating an application to a cluster on AWS
Minimal Docker image using custom JRE
Monolithic architecture sample code in java
monolithic and microservices difference
Monolithic and Microservices sample code examples in java
Multiple ways to iterate over a Set
Object Pool Pattern
object-level locks and class-level locks in java
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
OddOccurrencesInArray – Codility – Solution
Option, Some, and None for handling null values
Overview of Java data types, variables, and arrays,
Overview of Kubernetes architecture
Overview of Kubernetes architecture with examples
Overview of the evolution of Java
Overview of the Hadoop architecture
Package import
PairRDDFunctions in Apache Spark
PassingCars - Count the number of passing cars on the road.
PassingCars - Count the number of passing cars on the road.
Performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations using Spring Boot and JPA (Java Persistence API).
Proper error handling is essential to avoid data loss when using Kafka.
Prototype Design Pattern
Proxy Pattern
Queue and Deque in Java
Quick Sort Program in java
QuickSort algorithm
React course content
Read data from Hbase using Spark RDD and Scala
Reading(Scan) data in a Table using HBase Shell
Real-time example of implementing Single Sign-On (SSO) in a Spring Boot application
Recursion and tail recursion
REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) in scala
Resource sharing scenario using the Singleton design pattern in Java:
REST API in spring boot
Role-Based Authorization in Spring Boot – Spring Security code
Roll back multiple transactions within the same method
Running your first Scala program.
Saga Pattern for Managing Long-lived Transactions
Scala Control structures(if-else) program
Scala - collections in Scala
Scala - Inheritance and polymorphism
Scala - Multiple ways to iterate over a Map in Scala
Scala - Traits and mixins
Scala Break statement
Scala Collections - List
Scala Collections – List (sort, foreach)
Scala Collections – Seq
Scala Collections List, Sequence, reduceLeft, filter, foldLeft, map and flatMap
Scala constructor and method
Scala for-loop and yield
Scala Hello Program
Scala Interview Questions:
Scala Map and flatMap difference
Scala Map and foreach
Scala Method Overloading
Scala Method Overriding
Scala multi dimensionalArray
Scala object and class
Scala Set ,Union and Intersect
Scala Set and foreach
Scala Single dimensionalArray
Scala Singleton Object
Scala topics with programs
Scala topics with programs
Scala Topics:
Scala Topics:
Scala Topics:
Scala trait,extends,with and Unit
Scala try catch and finally
Scala Tuple (Return Multiple Values)
Scala Tutorial
Scala Tutorial and concepts
Scala Variables and Data Types
Scala Variables and Data Types program
Scala while and do/while loop
Scala with HBase -Read, Insert and Update operations
Scala with JDBC connection and SQL DELETE
Scala with JDBC connection and SQL INSERT
Scala with JDBC connection and SQL SELECT
Scala with JDBC connection and SQL UPDATE
Scala- call a method of an object
Scala- Case classes and pattern matching
Scan(Read) a Hbase Table data using Java
ScheduledExecutorService with Runnable
Securing Kafka messaging
Security Concerns in Microservices Architecture
Seq and List differences in Scala
Service Discovery and Load Balancing in Microservices
Set the time to Delete the data after 7 days using HBase TTL (Time To Live)
Setting up a local development cluster with tools like Minikube
Setting Up Your Environment
Short cut keywords to write java code in IntelliJ IDEA tool
Single Responsibility Principle and its Application
Singleton design pattern in Java
Singleton design pattern in Java
Software Architecture: Patterns for Developers
Solve the passing Car Codility Problem.
Some cases where using the Singleton pattern can be beneficial
Some cases where using the Singleton pattern can be beneficial
some common array-related interview questions in Java
Some essential concepts and steps to get you started with Kafka.
Some Java interview questions related to array pairs
Some of the important Java 8 features are
Sort a list in Java 8
Sort map by Key using Comparator
Sort Map by key/value using Stream APIs
Sorting a Map in Java 8
Spark - an ETL example in Apache Spark using Scala with sample code
Spark - Apache Spark Architecture
Spark - Configuring resources in Apache Spark
Spark - Datasets in Apache Spark
Spark - Different ways to create RDD in Scala
Spark - Examples of RDD Actions in Apache Spark
Spark - Examples of RDD Actions in Apache Spark
Spark - Pair RDD Functions in scala
Spark - RDD Actions in scala
Spark - RDD Transformations in scala
Spark - Read data from Hbase using Spark and Scala
Spark - Resource allocation in Apache Spark
Spark - Set up an Apache Spark environment
Spark - What is the default number of partitions for an RDD or DataFrame In Apache Spark
Spark -About Apache Spark
Spark -Driver memory allocation in Apache Spark
Spark -How to work with partitions in Apache Spark RDDs and DataFrames
Spark -Read files in various formats using the appropriate Spark API
Spark -Some DataFrame examples using Scala in Apache Spark
Spark – SQL Schema in scala
Spark –read ,write and delete files in scala
Spark Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs)
Spark SQL - DataFrame Examples in Scala
Spark SQL - DataSet Examples in Scala
Spark- Create an empty RDD
Spark-Apache Spark RDD (Resilient Distributed Dataset) examples in Scala
Spring @Qualifier Annotation with example
Spring Boot Annotations
Spring Boot application with JPA (Java Persistence API) for performing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations
Spring boot Architecture
Spring boot tutorial
Spring Security
SQL Interview Questions
Stateless and stateful authentication
Strategy Pattern in java
Syntax and basic examples
Template Pattern
Ternary search algorithm:
Test-driven development (TDD) practices.
Testing Strategies for Microservices (Unit, Integration, Contract, End-to-End)
The @FunctionalInterface annotation
The architecture of a Spring Boot application
The basic command to create a Kafka topic
The basic concepts and steps to get you started with Docker:
The Chain of Responsibility pattern offers advantages
The Chain of Responsibility pattern offers disadvantages
The error message "The input line is too long. The syntax of the command is incorrect."
The genesis of Java
The Interface Segregation Principle (ISP)
The Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
The SOLID principles
The SOLID principles
Time To Live (TTL)
To create a Kafka consumer and consume messages from a Kafka topic
To create a Kafka producer and send messages to a Kafka topic
To deploy an application with two deployments in Kubernetes,
To deploy Istio resources on your Kubernetes cluster,
To find the Kth smallest or largest element in an unsorted array in Java
To install Istio on Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service)
To submit form data with React on the front end and a Spring Boot application on the back end
Top 10 use cases of Databricks
Type casting (or type conversion) in Go
Types of services in Kubernetes
Understanding the Kubernetes API with examples
Understanding the Kubernetes API.
Understanding the motivations behind the changes
Understanding the Scala REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop).
Unix Commands
Update a Hbase Table data using Java
Update Hbase Table data in HIVE and Impala
Use Cases and Real-world Examples in micro services
User Logging and Tracing in Microservices
Using Nashorn for scripting in Java applications
Using Try, Success, and Failure for error handling in scala
Various examples of Ansible scripts (playbooks)
Various ways to reverse a string in Java.
Web and application servers list
What are different Spring Bean Scopes?
What are lambda expressions?
What are Microservices?
What are some other data structures that use hashing?
What are the consequences of not overriding hashCode() and equals() correctly in a HashMap?
What are the different types of software architectural styles?
What are the different ways to configure properties in a Spring Boot application?
What are the different ways to deploy a Spring Boot application?
What are the key data structures in Apache Spark
What are the main trade-offs between a lower and higher load factor in a HashMap?
What is an Auxiliary constructor in Scala?
what is anaconda and scala
what is anaconda and scala
What is Apache Spark
What is Case in Scala?
What is Data Frame in Apache Spark
What is difference between creating String as new and literal?
what is Functional Collections in Scala
what is Functional Collections in Scala
What is Hadoop
What is IoC (Inversion of Control)
what is npm and Node.js
What is RDD in apache Spark
What is Recursion tail in Scala?
What is Scala?
What is Scala?
What is Scala?
what is SiteMinder and SSO implementation
What is Spring Boot
What is Spring Boot, and what are its main features with examples?
What is Spring Boot, and what are its main features?
What is Spring Data JPA, and how is it used in a Spring Boot application?
what is synchronization in java
What is the 12 factor methodology in microservices?
What is the best way to implement the Singleton class
What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation in a Spring Boot application?
what is Thread-Safety in Java
What is Type inference in Scala
When and where to use Apache Spark
When to use RDDs, Datasets, and DataFrames
Where to use Scala
Which Azure Data Factory components should you use to connect to a data source?
Why is an Option used in Scala?
Why Kubernetes?
Why Scala prefers Immutability?
Why we need design patterns in java
Window functions in Spark SQL (Databricks)
Work with a Docker container
Working with Workspace Objects in Azure Databricks
Write a Java program to connect to a SQL DataBase.
Write a java program to display a simple string.
Write a Java program to implement a Binary Search Algorithm.
Write a Java program to implement HeapSort Algorithm.
Write a Java program to implement HeapSort Algorithm.
Write a Java program to print the nodes present in the Circular LinkedList
Write a Java program to remove elements from an ArrayList
Write a java program which show Hello world!
Write a logic to determine and convert given primitive type to its wrapper class and return result
Write a program in Java to implement HashMap.
Write a program that calculates the area of a circle, use data type of double.
Write a program that convert one data type in to another data type
Write a program that demonstrate if-else statement
Write a program that demonstrates the Boolean type values.
Write a program to compute distance light travel in 1000 days using long variables.
write a program to demonstrate the for loop.
Write a program to demonstrates the lifetime of a variable.
Write a program to find intersection of two sorted arrays in Java with output
Write a program to reverse an array or string
Write a program which contains block of code in “for” loop definition.
Write a program which demonstrate dynamic initialization.
Write a program which demonstrate the arithmetic operator
Write a program which demonstrate the arithmetic operator
Write a program which demonstrate the if statement.
Write a program which demonstrates the Ternary (?) operator.
Write a program which show the effect of nested scopes.
Write a program which shows the function of increment(++).
Write a programme left shifting the byte value.
Write a programme that demonstrate modulus operator
Write a programme that demonstrate modulus operator
Write a programme that demonstrate the Boolean logical operator
Write a programme that show simple example of switch
Write a simple java program to display a string and perform a simple multiplication.
Writing data in a Table using HBase Shell
You are building an Azure Stream Analytics pipeline. You need to configure the pipeline to analyze events that occur during a five-minute window after an event fires. Which windowing function should you use?
You create an Azure Stream Analytics job. You run the job for five hours. You need to ensure that these events are not dropped. What should you do?
You design an Azure Data Factory data flow activity to move large amounts of data from text files to an Azure Synapse Analytics database. You add a data flow script to your data flow. The data flow in the designer has the following tasks: distinctRows1: Aggregate data by using myCols that produce columns. source1: Import data from DelimitedText1. derivedColumn1: Create and update the C1 columns. select1: Rename derivedColumn1 as select1 with columns C1. sink1: Add a sink dataset. You need to ensure that all the rows in source1 are deduplicated. What should you do?
You have 500 IoT devices and an Azure subscription. You plan to build a data pipeline that will process real-time data from the devices. You need to ensure that the devices can send messages to the subscription. What should you deploy?
You have a Delta Lake solution that contains a table named table1. You need to roll back the contents of table1 to 24 hours ago. Which command should you run?
You have an Azure Data Factory pipeline named Pipeline1. Which two types of triggers can you use to start Pipeline1 directly? Each correct answer presents a complete solution.
You have an Azure Data Factory pipeline named Pipeline1. You need to send an email message if Pipeline1 fails. What should you do?
You have an Azure Stream Analytics solution that receives data from multiple thermostats in a building. You need to write a query that returns the average temperature per device every five minutes for readings within that same five minute period. Which two windowing functions could you use?
You have an Azure subscription that contains a Delta Lake solution. The solution contains a table named employees. You need to view the contents of the employees table from 24 hours ago. You must minimize the time it takes to retrieve the data. What should you do?
You have an Azure subscription that contains the following resources
You need to ensure that all changes to DB1 are stored in DW1. The solution must meet the following requirements:
You need to ensure that all changes to DB1 are stored in DW1.The solution must capture the new value and the existing value and store each value as a new record.
You need to ensure that all changes to DB1 are stored in DW1.The solution must capture the new value and the existing value and store each value as a new record.
You plan to configure an Azure Stream Analytics job named Job1.
You plan to use an Azure Synapse pipeline to copy CSV files from the branch office, perform complex transformations on their content, and then load them to DB1.