Create an Azure Databricks Workspace using Azure Portal

Category : Microsoft Azure Data Engineering | Sub Category : Databricks | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-09-23 06:07:07 Viewed : 514

Create an Azure Databricks Workspace using Azure Portal:

Creating an Azure Databricks Workspace using the Azure Portal involves several steps. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Note: You need an Azure subscription to create an Azure Databricks Workspace. Make sure you are logged into your Azure account.

  1. Sign in to Azure Portal: Go to the Azure Portal and sign in with your Azure account.

  2. Create a New Azure Databricks Workspace:

    a. Click on the "+ Create a resource" button on the left-hand side or from the Azure Dashboard.

    b. In the search bar, type "Databricks" and select "Azure Databricks" from the list of available services.

    c. Click the "Create" button to start the Azure Databricks Workspace creation process.

  3. Configure the Basics:

    a. In the "Basics" tab of the Azure Databricks creation wizard, fill in the following details:

    • Subscription: Choose your Azure subscription.
    • Resource Group: Create a new one or select an existing one.
    • Workspace Name: Enter a unique name for your Databricks Workspace.
    • Region: Choose the Azure region where you want to deploy your workspace.
    • Pricing Tier: Select the desired pricing tier based on your requirements (Standard or Premium).
    • Virtual Network: You can choose to create a new virtual network or use an existing one for workspace configuration (optional).

    b. Click the "Next: Security + networking" button to proceed.

  4. Configure Security and Networking:

    a. In the "Security + networking" tab, configure the following options:

    • Public Endpoints: Choose whether to allow public endpoints or not. This affects the accessibility of your Databricks workspace.
    • VNet Injection: Choose whether to enable VNet injection for better security and network integration.
    • Managed Private Endpoints: If you enable VNet injection, you can configure managed private endpoints for Databricks services.
    • Firewall: Configure network firewall rules if needed.

    b. Click the "Review + create" button to review your settings.

  5. Review and Create:

    a. Review the settings you have configured in the previous steps to ensure they are correct.

    b. If everything looks good, click the "Create" button to begin the deployment process. Azure will now create your Databricks Workspace.

  6. Deployment Progress:

    You will be taken to the deployment progress page, where you can monitor the creation process. This may take a few minutes to complete.

  7. Access Your Databricks Workspace:

    Once the deployment is successful, you can access your Azure Databricks Workspace from the Azure Portal. Navigate to the "Overview" section of your Databricks workspace to find the URL and access it using your Azure credentials.

Thats it! You have successfully created an Azure Databricks Workspace using the Azure Portal. You can now start using Databricks to perform data processing, analytics, and machine learning tasks.

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