Scala Collections - List

Category : Scala | Sub Category : Scala Programs | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2020-10-08 13:16:01 Viewed : 619

Scala Collections - List 

The Scala List class — scala.List — holds a sequenced, linear list of items. In a List, each element must be of the same type. 

the Scala List class hierarchy:

·        The  scala.List class is a pointer to the scala.collection.immutable.List class

·        The List class extends LinearSeq with Product (and some others)

·        The trait LinearSeq extends Seq

·        The trait Seq extends Iterable

·        Iterable extends trait Traversable 

Scala offers many ways to populate lists. Here are just a few:

·        val nums = List.range(010)

·        val nums = (1 to 10 by 2).toList

·        val letters = (a to f).toList

·        val letters = (a to f by 2).toList


Following example illustrates about Scala collection - List

Save the file as −  ListExampleApp.scala.



package runnerdev

object ListExampleApp extends App {

  var listVal = List(135"dog"9"one"23"Cat"4)

  var listVal2List[Int] = List(12345)






compile and run the above example as follows  

scala> scalac ListExampleApp.scala

scalascala ListExampleApp


List(1, 3, 5, dog, 9, one, 23, Cat, 4)

List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In Scala, a List is a linear, immutable collection that represents an ordered sequence of elements. Lists are similar to arrays, but unlike arrays, they cannot be modified after creation. Scala lists are recursive in nature, consisting of a head (the first element) and a tail (the rest of the list), which is another list. Here is an overview of Scala lists and how to work with them:

1. Creating a List: You can create a list by providing a comma-separated list of elements enclosed in parentheses or by using the List() constructor:

val myList = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) val emptyList = List.empty[Int] // An empty list of integers

2. Accessing Elements: You can access elements in a list using the apply method (similar to array indexing):

val firstElement = myList(0) // Access the first element (1)

3. List Operations: Lists support various operations, including:

  • Concatenation: You can concatenate two lists using the ::: operator or the ++ operator.

    val concatenatedList = myList ::: List(6, 7, 8)
  • Head and Tail: You can access the head and tail of a list using head and tail methods.

    val headElement = myList.head // Access the first element (1) val tailList = myList.tail // Access the list without the first element (List(2, 3, 4, 5))
  • Prepending Elements: You can prepend elements to a list using the :: operator or the +: operator.

    val newList = 0 :: myList // Prepends 0 to the list (List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

4. List Methods: Lists provide various methods for common operations, such as map, filter, foldLeft, foldRight, and more. These methods return new lists or values based on the transformation or filtering applied to the elements.

val squaredList = => x * x) // Square each element val filteredList = myList.filter(_ % 2 == 0) // Filter even elements

5. Immutability: Lists are immutable, meaning you cannot modify their elements. Instead, you create new lists when performing operations.

6. Pattern Matching: Pattern matching is a powerful feature in Scala often used with lists to destructure and process their elements.

myList match { case head :: tail => println(s"Head: $head, Tail: $tail") case Nil => println("Empty list") }

7. List Comprehensions: Scala supports list comprehensions, which allow you to create lists through concise expressions.

val evenNumbers = for (n <- myList if n % 2 == 0) yield n

Scalas List is an essential collection type that provides a functional and expressive way to work with sequences of data. It is widely used in Scala programming for a variety of tasks.

Here are examples of working with Scala List collections along with explanations and their respective outputs:

1. Creating a List:

val myList = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

In this example, we create a list called myList containing integers from 1 to 5.

2. Accessing Elements:

val firstElement = myList(0) // Access the first element (1)

This code accesses the first element of the list using indexing. The result is firstElement, which is equal to 1.

3. List Operations:

  • Concatenation:
val concatenatedList = myList ::: List(6, 7, 8)

Here, we concatenate myList with another list to create a new list, concatenatedList.

  • Head and Tail:
val headElement = myList.head // Access the first element (1) val tailList = myList.tail // Access the list without the first element (List(2, 3, 4, 5))

These lines show how to access the head (first element) and tail (rest of the list) of myList.

  • Prepending Elements:
val newList = 0 :: myList // Prepends 0 to the list (List(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5))

We prepend an element (0) to myList using the :: operator.

4. List Methods:

  • Mapping Elements:
val squaredList = => x * x) // Square each element

This code creates a new list, squaredList, by applying a mapping function to each element of myList.

  • Filtering Elements:
val evenNumbers = myList.filter(_ % 2 == 0) // Filter even elements

Here, we create a new list, evenNumbers, by filtering the even elements from myList.

5. Pattern Matching:

myList match { case head :: tail => println(s"Head: $head, Tail: $tail") case Nil => println("Empty list") }

This code uses pattern matching to destructure and process the elements of myList. It prints the head and tail of the list.

6. List Comprehensions:

val squaredEvens = for (n <- myList if n % 2 == 0) yield n * n

This line demonstrates a list comprehension, which generates a new list, squaredEvens, containing the squares of even numbers from myList.

These examples showcase various operations and methods that you can perform with Scala List collections, making it a powerful tool for working with sequences of data.

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