Various examples of Ansible scripts (playbooks)

Category : Devops | Sub Category : Devops | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-07-23 14:46:51 Viewed : 354

Various examples of Ansible scripts (playbooks) :

Here are some various examples of Ansible scripts (playbooks) for different use cases:

Example 1: Installing Packages

--- - name: Install packages on remote hosts hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Install required packages apt: name: - package1 - package2 state: present # Use "absent" to uninstall packages when: ansible_os_family == Debian # For Debian/Ubuntu systems - name: Install required packages yum: name: - package1 - package2 state: present # Use "absent" to uninstall packages when: ansible_os_family == RedHat # For RedHat/CentOS systems

Example 2: Managing Services

--- - name: Manage services on remote hosts hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Ensure Nginx is started and enabled service: name: nginx state: started enabled: yes

Example 3: Managing Users

--- - name: Manage users on remote hosts hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Create a new user user: name: john state: present # Use "absent" to remove the user groups: sudo append: yes - name: Set SSH key for the user authorized_key: user: john key: "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAB..."

Example 4: Managing Files

--- - name: Manage files on remote hosts hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Copy a file to remote host copy: src: /path/to/local/file dest: /path/on/remote/host owner: john group: john mode: `0644` # File permissions

Example 5: Running Shell Commands

--- - name: Execute shell command on remote hosts hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes tasks: - name: Run a shell command shell: echo "Hello, Ansible!"

Example 6: Using Variables

--- - name: Use variables in playbook hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes vars: my_var: "Hello, Ansible!" tasks: - name: Print a variable debug: var: my_var

Example 7: Using Loops

--- - name: Use loop in playbook hosts: your_remote_servers become: yes vars: my_packages: - package1 - package2 - package3 tasks: - name: Install packages using loop package: name: "{{ item }}" state: present loop: "{{ my_packages }}"

These are just a few examples of what you can do with Ansible. The possibilities are vast, and Ansible provides a rich set of modules and features to manage various aspects of your infrastructure and automate tasks efficiently.

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