Example of implementing the Saga pattern using a simple Java code

Category : Microservices | Sub Category : Microservices | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-07-15 15:03:30 Viewed : 380

Example of implementing the Saga pattern using a simple Java code:

Here is an example of implementing the Saga pattern using a simple Java code snippet:

public class OrderSaga { private OrderService orderService; private PaymentService paymentService; private ShippingService shippingService; public OrderSaga(OrderService orderService, PaymentService paymentService, ShippingService shippingService) { this.orderService = orderService; this.paymentService = paymentService; this.shippingService = shippingService; } public void placeOrder(Order order) { try { // Step 1: Start the transaction orderService.createOrder(order); // Step 2: Make the payment paymentService.makePayment(order.getPaymentInfo()); // Step 3: Ship the order shippingService.shipOrder(order.getId()); // Step 4: Confirm the order orderService.confirmOrder(order.getId()); // Saga completed successfully System.out.println("Order placed successfully."); } catch (Exception e) { // Handle exceptions and perform compensating actions if needed handleSagaFailure(order); } } private void handleSagaFailure(Order order) { try { // Step 5: Compensating action for shipping shippingService.cancelShipping(order.getId()); // Step 6: Compensating action for payment paymentService.refundPayment(order.getPaymentInfo()); // Step 7: Compensating action for order orderService.cancelOrder(order.getId()); System.out.println("Saga execution failed. Order cancelled and compensating actions performed."); } catch (Exception e) { // Handle compensating action failures System.out.println("Compensating actions failed. Manual intervention required."); } } }

In this example, we have an OrderSaga class that represents a saga for placing an order. It takes three services as dependencies: OrderService, PaymentService, and ShippingService. Each of these services is responsible for performing a specific step in the saga.

The placeOrder method executes the saga steps in sequence. If any step fails (i.e., an exception is thrown), the handleSagaFailure method is called to perform compensating actions and revert the changes made in the previous steps.

In this example, we assume the following methods are available in the respective services:

  • OrderService: createOrder(order), confirmOrder(orderId), cancelOrder(orderId)
  • PaymentService: makePayment(paymentInfo), refundPayment(paymentInfo)
  • ShippingService: shipOrder(orderId), cancelShipping(orderId)

The handleSagaFailure method is responsible for executing the compensating actions in reverse order to undo the changes made by the previous steps. If any compensating action fails, appropriate error handling can be implemented to handle the failure.

Note that this example is simplified and does not cover all possible scenarios or error handling mechanisms. The actual implementation of the Saga pattern may vary depending on the specific requirements and frameworks used in your application.

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