Commmon interview questions related to Spring Boot

Category : Interview Questions | Sub Category : Spring Boot Interview Questions | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-08-04 00:02:55 Viewed : 357

Here are some common interview questions related to Spring Boot:

What is Spring Boot, and what are its main features?

How does Spring Boot simplify the development of Java applications?

What are the different ways to configure properties in a Spring Boot application?

Explain the difference between Spring and Spring Boot.

How does Spring Boot handle auto-configuration?

What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation in a Spring Boot application?

How do you enable cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) in a Spring Boot application?

Explain the concept of Spring Boot Starters. Provide an example.

How does Spring Boot support externalized configuration?

What is the significance of the (or application.yml) file in a Spring Boot project?

How can you handle exceptions in a Spring Boot application?

What is Spring Data JPA, and how is it used in a Spring Boot application?

How does Spring Boot manage bean creation and dependency injection?

Explain the role of the Spring Boot Actuator. What endpoints does it provide?

How do you secure a Spring Boot application?

What are the different deployment options for a Spring Boot application?

How can you enable caching in a Spring Boot application?

What is the purpose of the @RestController annotation in Spring Boot?

How do you create RESTful APIs using Spring Boot?

What are Spring Boot Profiles, and how can you use them to manage different environments?

These questions cover various aspects of Spring Boot, including its features, configuration, dependency management, data access, security, and more. Remember to prepare for these questions and be ready to provide practical examples and explanations during your interview. Good luck!

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