Debugging a Kubernetes deployment using IntelliJ IDEA

Category : Kubernetes | Sub Category : Kubernetes With Java | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-11-21 13:40:07 Viewed : 271

Debugging a Kubernetes deployment using IntelliJ IDEA involves attaching the debugger to the running Java process inside a container. Here are the general steps to debug a Java application running in a Kubernetes pod using IntelliJ IDEA:


  1. Java Application with Debugging Enabled:

    • Ensure that your Java application is configured to run with debugging enabled. This usually involves adding the JVM options -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=*:5005 to your applications startup command.
  2. Dockerized Application:

    • Your Java application should be packaged into a Docker image, and the Docker image should be pushed to a registry accessible to your Kubernetes cluster.
  3. IntelliJ IDEA with Kubernetes Plugin:

    • Install the "Kubernetes and OpenShift" plugin in IntelliJ IDEA. You can install it from the IntelliJ IDEA marketplace.

Debugging Steps:

  1. Open the Project in IntelliJ IDEA:

    • Open your Java project in IntelliJ IDEA.
  2. Configure Kubernetes Context:

    • In IntelliJ IDEA, open the "Services" view (View > Tool Windows > Services or Alt + 8).
    • Right-click on "Kubernetes" and select "Add Kubernetes Account."
    • Configure the Kubernetes context with the necessary information for your cluster.
  3. Configure Kubernetes Deployment:

    • Open the "Run/Debug Configurations" window (Run > Edit Configurations).
    • Add a new "Kubernetes Deployment" configuration.
    • Configure the deployment settings, specifying the Docker image, container ports, and any environment variables.
    • Ensure that the "Enable JMX" option is disabled.
  4. Start the Kubernetes Deployment:

    • Run the Kubernetes deployment configuration to start your application in a Kubernetes pod.
  5. Attach Debugger:

    • In the "Services" view, navigate to the "Pods" section under your Kubernetes context.
    • Find the pod running your application.
    • Right-click on the pod and select "Attach Debugger."
  6. Configure Remote Debugger:

    • IntelliJ IDEA will prompt you to configure the remote debugger.
    • Ensure that the debugger settings match the JVM options specified in your application for remote debugging.
    • The default port is usually 5005.
  7. Start Debugging:

    • Click "OK" to start debugging. IntelliJ IDEA will attach the debugger to the Java process inside the running container.
  8. Set Breakpoints and Debug:

    • Set breakpoints in your code as needed.
    • Trigger the part of your application you want to debug.
  9. Review Debug Output:

    • Review the debug output in IntelliJ IDEAs debugger console.
  10. Stop Debugging:

  • When you are done debugging, stop the debugging session in IntelliJ IDEA.


  • Ensure that the firewall or security groups allow traffic on the specified debugger port (5005 by default).
  • If you encounter issues, check the logs of your Kubernetes pod to see if the debugger successfully attached.
  • Make sure that your Java application is configured to run in non-suspend mode (suspend=n in the JVM options) to avoid waiting for the debugger to attach before starting.

By following these steps, you should be able to debug your Java application running in a Kubernetes pod using IntelliJ IDEA.

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