Microservices Architecture code in java

Category : Microservices | Sub Category : Microservices | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-07-11 08:52:53 Viewed : 378

Microservices Architecture code in java:

Here is a simplified example of a microservices architecture in Java:

Service 1: User Service

/// User Service
public class UserService { public String getUserMessage(int userId) { // Call User Repository Service String userName = UserRepoService.getUserName(userId); return "Hello, " + userName + "!"; } }

Service 2: User Repository Service

// User Repository Service public class UserRepoService { public static String getUserName(int userId) { // Database query return "John Doe"; } }

Main Application

// Main Application public class MainApp { public static void main(String[] args) { // Business logic UserService userService = new UserService(); String message = userService.getUserMessage(123); System.out.println(message); } }

In this microservices example, we have two separate services: the UserService and the UserRepoService. Each service is responsible for a specific functionality.

The UserService calls the UserRepoService to retrieve the users name. The communication between the services can be achieved using various mechanisms such as HTTP APIs or messaging queues. The services can be developed, deployed, and scaled independently.

The main application represents the entry point where the business logic is executed. It creates an instance of the UserService and invokes the getUserMessage() method to obtain a personalized message for a user with the ID 123.

Note that this is a simplified example to demonstrate the concept of microservices architecture. In real-world scenarios, there may be additional complexities involved, such as implementing API endpoints, handling service discovery, and incorporating fault tolerance mechanisms.

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