Access Modifiers Available in Scala

Category : Scala | Sub Category : Scala Interview Questions | By Prasad Bonam Last updated: 2023-09-26 23:19:48 Viewed : 304

Access Modifiers Available in Scala:

In Scala, access modifiers are used to control the visibility and accessibility of members (fields, methods, or types) within classes and objects. There are three main access modifiers available:

  1. private:

    • Members marked as private are accessible only within the class or object in which they are defined.

    • Example:

      class MyClass { private val privateField = 42 private def privateMethod(): Unit = { println("This is a private method.") } def accessPrivate(): Unit = { println(privateField) privateMethod() } }

      In this example, privateField and privateMethod are accessible only within the MyClass class.

  2. protected:

    • Members marked as protected are accessible within the class and its subclasses (derived classes).

    • Example:

      class MyBaseClass { protected val protectedField = 42 } class MySubClass extends MyBaseClass { def accessProtected(): Unit = { println(protectedField) } }

      In this example, protectedField is accessible within MyBaseClass and MySubClass.

  3. public (default):

    • In Scala, if no access modifier is specified, the member has package-level visibility, which means it is accessible within the same package.

    • Example:

      package mypackage class MyClass { val publicField = 42 } object MyObject { def accessPublicField(instance: MyClass): Unit = { println(instance.publicField) } }

      In this example, publicField is accessible within the mypackage package.

  4. private[X] and protected[X]:

    • You can use private[X] and protected[X] to specify that a member is accessible within a specific enclosing scope. X represents the enclosing scope, which can be a class, object, or package.

    • Example:

      package mypackage class MyClass { private[mypackage] val privateField = 42 } object MyObject { def accessPrivateField(instance: MyClass): Unit = { println(instance.privateField) } }

      In this example, privateField is accessible within the mypackage package because of the private[mypackage] modifier.

These access modifiers help in encapsulating and controlling the visibility of members in your Scala code, promoting good software design practices and encapsulation of data and functionality.

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